What will face to face instruction look like at GJM Elementary School for 2020-2021?
Students will be required to wear a mask upon arrival, dismissal and any transition times.
Each student will utilize a clear divider at their respective seat. Students will have individual supplies and manipulatives.
Breakfast and Lunch will be served in the classroom. Depending on schedules and successful safety procedures by students, lunch might transition to the cafe at a later date.
Students will have various brain breaks throughout the day.
Recess will be scheduled on a rotating basis to allow for social distancing. Playground equipment will not be utilized at this time due to sanitation concerns.
PE will be in the classroom the first week (September 8-11) then transition to the gym utilizing masks and social distancing when feasible starting the week of September 14th.
Staff will wear masks during instruction except when using a face shield to allow students to see their mouths as needed for direct instruction.
GJM Drop Off/Dismissal Procedures
In an effort to alleviate the traffic back-up on Big Oak Lane, we have adjusted our drop off and pick up procedures and times. These changes will help ensure that everyone is as safe as possible, and that we can continue to advance the flow of traffic in a safe and efficient way.
Drop Off in the Morning
Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:30 am. This will help support social distancing. Due to health and safety guidelines, no visitors or food drop-off will be allowed at this time. If you have medications to drop off, please call the nurse to set up an appointment to drop off the medication - 361-776-1683 option 3.
Parents will pull through the drop off circle in front of the campus.
NOTE: We will NOT use the back of the school (Ave K) for drop off or pick up. We will utilize two lanes of traffic moving one way off Big Oak Lane. Please follow the directions of the “Traffic Directors.”
Drivers MUST remain in the vehicle.
Students need to be seated on the passenger side of the vehicle.
Students must have a mask on prior to the staff member opening the vehicle door. Students will be required to wear a mask until they enter their classroom and sit behind the divider.
Student temperature will be checked as the student exits the vehicle. If the temperature is 100.4°F or higher, the student will not be allowed to exit the vehicle.
Once students from the first 8 cars have been unloaded, the staff member will direct cars to exit the drop off area and the next 7 cars will move forward.
Students being dropped off in vehicles, walkers and bike riders will walk directly to their classroom after having their temperature checked.
There will be staff members in the hallway to help direct the student to the correct classroom.
Upon arrival to the campus, Bus students will be directed to the cafeteria until 7:55 am where they will be required to sit with social distance guidelines. Bus Students riding the bus to school will be required to have their temperature checked as the student boards the bus.
Dismissal in the Afternoon
All car riders will be assigned a colored tag with a number. You will receive this car tag the first day of school. On the first day of school, please write your child or children’s first and last name on a sheet of paper and display on the dashboard.
Students will also have a tag on their backpack that matches the tag in the window of the vehicle.
Pick Up Line for parents/guardians can start at 3:00. Please do not arrive to get in line prior to 3:00 so that we leave the front drive accessible for any Emergencies. Pull up to cone #1 or the next available cone while you wait. We will be utilizing 2 lanes of loading and unloading. Have the number tag hanging on your rearview mirror.
Drivers must remain in the vehicle.
Staff will assist with helping students into the car (on the back passenger seat).
Students will be required to wear a mask until the vehicle door has been closed. Once all 8 students have been placed in the vehicle and doors are closed, the staff member will direct the cars to exit. To avoid any accidents, please DO NOT go around other cars to exit. Please wait until the car in front of you moves forward.
The next 8 cars will pull forward and the process will continue until all students have been picked up.
NOTE: In an emergency situation where the school-assigned number card is not presented by the person picking up the child, then the person shall provide identification and follow regular office sign-out procedures at 3:45.
Busses will arrive on campus by 3:00 using the bus lane.
Busses will load beginning at 3:20.
Important Information
No after school dismissal changes will be taken after 2:30. We cannot guarantee the delivery of the change after 2:30 and want to make sure our students get where they need to be safely.
No one will be admitted into the building between 2:30-3:45 for the security of our students during dismissal.
Parents with after school business/appointments will be admitted via the front door at 3:45, after all students have been dismissed. Parents are not to get their child out of the bus line or off the bus without permission from a school official.
Thank you for your patience and support as we work together to provide a system that is as safe as possible for our students. We will continue to monitor the procedures and adjust as needed.