Follow the procedures

Gilbert J Mircovich Elementary Plan for On-Campus Activities and Instruction

The following is a brief summary of the plan for a safe return to on-campus face to face instruction.  GJM Elementary Administration team will be the primary point of contact for all Covid-19 related concerns or communications.

Practices to Prevent the spread:

  • All teachers and staff must self-screen for COVID-19 when entering the building.

  • Teachers and staff are required to enter the building through the front door.

  • Masks are required on campus.

  • The school Nurse takes each teacher and staff member's temperature in the morning before they are allowed to move about the building.

  • All teachers and staff who have symptoms or a positive test will work from home for the 10-day isolation period.

  • Parents are advised to not send students to the campus who show symptoms of COVID-19 or have had a positive test.

  • All visitors are asked to fill out the COVID-19 screening before entering the building (this is located on the door through a QR code completed on your smartphone).

  • Any individual who themselves either: (a) are test-confirmed to have COVID-19; or (b) experience the symptoms of COVID-19 must stay at home throughout the infection period and cannot return to campus until they meet the following criteria:

    • At least one day (24 hours) has passed since recovery (fever free without the use of fever reducing medications).

    • Improvement in symptoms.

    • At least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

  • An individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to campus before completing the above stay at home period must obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual on the basis of alternative diagnosis or (b) obtain an approved test with negative results.

Practices for Response to a Test-Confirmed Case:

  • Notify the local health department.

  • Close off areas that are heavily used by the individual with the test-confirmed case.

  • Deep cleaning of all areas with disinfectant, unless more than 7 days have already passed since that person was on campus.

  • Notification to all teachers, staff, and families of all students who participate in any on-campus activities; meeting the requirements for communicable diseases and consistent with legal confidentiality requirements.

  • Upon receipt of information that any teacher, staff member, student, or visitor at the school, including an individual working or learning remotely, is test-confirmed to have COVID-19, the school district will submit a report to the Texas Department of State Health Services via an online form.

Practices to Mitigate: 

  • Hand sanitizer stations at each entrance as well as in every classroom.

  • Students, teachers, staff, and campus visitors are encouraged to wash hands frequently.

  • Campus has instituted more frequent cleaning practices.

  • Additional cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces that are touched in common areas throughout the day with guidance from the CDC.

  • Provide information on appropriate hygiene practices to students on their first day on campus.

  • Masks must be worn at all times and in the appropriate manor, including over the nose and mouth.  

  • Social distancing will be used where possible.  Students will be required to wear a mask until they enter their classroom and sit behind the divider.

  • Teachers, staff, and students will be required to move the hallways by walking on the right side, while practicing social distancing.

  • Breakfast and Lunch will be served in the classroom. Depending on schedules and successful safety procedures by students, lunch might transition to the cafe at a later date.  

  • Campus buildings will not be open for students before 7:30 am.


  • Masks must be worn on all buses by everyone on board.

  • Temperatures will be taken as students enter the bus.

  • Buses will be cleaned after each trip.


  • Must wear a mask.

  • Must complete the COVID-19 self check and report to the main office window.

  • Parents and other family members or visitors are not allowed to eat lunch on campus or drop off lunches.

More information can be found at